Hooks & Themes

Potion Seller (Legal): Whether you've found yourself unlucky enough to garner the attention of this poultice purveyor or not, you may have heard this verbose man selling his wares. He seeks little and aught in return for the first purchase of any of his good, hoping to garner a customer for life. Passion-enhancing, nose-lengthening, eye-color changing, blood thinning... the list goes on.

Potion Seller (Illegal): Some folk may frown upon the entrepeneur as he samples that which he creates, but that's just absurdity. Fear not the curious --and various shades of illegal-- substances that purloin his domain. Though the veracity of cure-all claims leaves some to be desired, his poultices are well-tested. (Open to law enforcement RP)

Smuggling & Shipment: The Elezen enjoys creating concoctions, but they may not be the most legal to transport to the places they're needed. Perhaps you've got a company or an airship that can remedy such a woe?

"Everything is for fun, even conflict. Let us enjoy the senses our mortal coils afford."

Party Animal: This affable dhalmel is an advocate of enjoying all of life's pleasures. Do not confuse this with mere carnal curiosities; he is an adherent to all libations. Especially ones of an alchemical nature, which has lead him to the path he treads dangerously...

Research and Testing: Looking to make a little gil on the side with a modicum of effort and a smidgen of reckless abandon? Charlant is always in need of people to test his potions. Don't be afraid, they are guaranteed not to kill you or your money back.

A Wooded Past: Perhaps you've had some experience in the lower ranks of the Wood Wailers, or live in Gridania. You might find this Elezen traipsing around Ul'dah, but he is a known fugitive and sufferer of Greenwrath.